The best place to find punk hair ideas is at a punk rock concert. Just by attending one concert you can check out literally hundreds of inspirations punk hairstyles, from the ones that require special cuts and dying to temporary punk styles that can be redone into something commonly accepted for the workplace the next day. If you can't attend a punk rock concert, you can always try the following ideas:
Temporary Punk Hair Ideas
Punk hairstyles are intended to shock and grab attention. They are done in wild, counter-culture ways in order to make a statement that is contrary to the orderly, conservative mores of traditional society. If you want to dress punk for a day but want your hair to return to normal the next day, use these techniques:
- Use elastic bands: Uneven is the key to most punk looks, so use hair bands and elastic bands to create uneven tufts, spikes, ponytails and general hair arrangements. Only you know what punk look is uniquely you, so have fun with it!
- Get a hold of some mega-hold gel: Use gel, hair spray, egg whites or Elmer's glue to get your hair to stand up in radical spikes or stick out in cool tufts all around your head.
- Spray temporary hair color: Color is one of the most classic punk statements. Use spray on temporary hair color to create streaks, color ends or make an overall color statement. You may have to wash your hair multiple times to get the color out, so make sure you have enough time for that before your next work commitment or job interview.
Long-Term Punk Hair Ideas
If you're ready for a more radical, long-term change, try out one of the more common punk hairstyles. You may want to shave all, half or part of your head. You may wish to try a Mohawk or create dreadlocks in your hair.
Experiment with color - especially unnatural color and color combinations. Dye most of your hair one color, then dye the tips another color or put streaks in your hair.
Ask your stylist for a spiky, uneven cut. The best part about going punk is the freedom it affords; you can do your hair anyway you please, because honoring yourself and rejecting social standards is essential to the whole attitude.
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