Gray matter’s 100 billion cells use more than a quarter of the entire organism’s energy each day. In stressful times, exhaustion may occur at a certain point, and concentration may get weakened. Thus, the brain announces you that it needs to be fed. And it’s good to know what foods are best for its development and maintenance. With a daily intake of energizing foods, especially during the periods of intense mental efforts such as working on projects that require a lot of concentration, our batteries will get recharged at their optimum level and failures may be easily avoided.
One of these brain feeders is honey; it is a delicious mixture of vitamins, mineral substances, bio-hormones and enzymes which can stimulate thinking, creativity, can help you concentrate better and can chase away stress. Two spoonfuls of honey taken each day after breakfast can indeed work wonders.
Fish and sea fruits are also very good for the brain. These foods contain an amino acid out of which the organism can synthesize those hormones that are responsible for waking up, noradrenalin and dopamine. On the other hand, fish meat can stimulate the development of the brain and it’s highly recommended to consume sea fruit, salmon and sardines, three times a week.
Celery essential oils and insulin-resembling hormones can very much improve brain functioning. These components protect your organism against migraines; they can eliminate anxiety and help one think straight. It’s highly recommended to drink two glasses of celery juice everyday. And of course, celery can also be a salad ingredient.
Soy is very high in vitamin B1 and lecithin and because of that it is very precious, as it favors the communication among brain cells and thus information is processed faster. It’s good to eat at least 100g of soy everyday, or drink two glasses of soy milk.
Bananas are very good for the brain, too. Thus, 100g of bananas can provide us with no less than 1.7mg of serotonin which improves the ability to concentrate. And of course, serotonin is the celebrated hormone of happiness. One or two ripe bananas every day can do the trick.
Avocado, another amazing veggie, is very high in vitamin B6, iron and potassium, elements which prevent the occurrence of nervous breakdowns. It’s very much recommended to eat at least one half of avocado everyday.
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