Saturday 3 December 2011

A Technical Presentation of Television

Mass Media includes the written press, the audio-visual means and multimedia systems. Newspapers, radio and television claim to offer people information concerning the political, economical and cultural life of society, concerning education, health, international relationships, public persons, and so on. Moreover, mass-media circulates opinions and viewpoints regarding public interest events. At the same time, it informs citizens regarding the way in which public institutions work. Because of this reason the press was proclaimed the fourth state power.

The written press is the oldest type of mass media communication. It comprises: magazines, also called gazettes and journals, or daily magazines. They are issued every day. Their role is to keep the public informed about the newest events. Depending on the way of diffusion, we can classify them as central, regional or local gazettes. Depending on the type of information given, the majorities have a general profile; others are specialized in sports and economic news, and so on. There are also many magazines and publications with a weekly appearance or which are issued every month, every semester, and so on. Because of that they are also called periodicals. Most of them are specialized or they are addressed to a target audience such as youth, women, IT experts, sports lovers, rock music fans, and many more.

Among the audio-visual means we can mention the radio, which renders sound messages, and the television, which communicates through sound and images. Depending on the area of reception, we can speak of national and local televisions. Depending on its owner, there are public and private televisions. Private televisions have mostly a commercial character; there are many commercial sports intercalated among the TV programs. TV programs are broadcasted in ether through satellite or relays. Multimedia systems are communication and information means using computer science.

Television is the mass communication medium with the greatest impact on our society. Technically speaking, it is defined as a procedure of decomposing, distance broadcast and than recomposing images. Television was invented between the two World Wars and developed as part of the great mass media only at the end of 1940, first in the United States and then in Europe.

A child of radio and cinematography, television has long preserved a language which, being original, allows it to take an essential part in the media system. When it appeared, at the beginning of 1930, it suddenly caused the surprise of the first observers, who were fascinated with a sort of "tele-presence" allowed by this uncanny media form. Analysts state that television is a documentary means which increases considerably radio’s power of information, adding hearing to vision. Television work is based on selenium’s capacity to transform luminous energy in electrical energy and vice verse, because of the electrons’ radiations.

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