o understand the complex human machinery that runs New York, one thing is abundantly clear: the strength of our city comes from its diversity. Our city united to respond to the tragedy of 11 September 2001, and the rebuilding process, while long, is revitalising the downtown area. Many of us came together, again, to respond to the bigotry and fear-mongering that sought to turn the reasonable desire of the Muslim community to have a community centre in Lower Manhattan into a recruitment tool for profoundly un-American anti-Muslim racism.
In the past year, New Yorkers have learned lessons that have saddened us. We have been simultaneously alerted to a disturbing vitriolic strain in our body politic while our resolve to protect the religious freedom that has been a proud hallmark of our country since its earliest settlement has been strengthened. The more information that is provided about the planned downtown Islamic centre, called Park51, the more it becomes apparent that there was nothing to fear there and much to encourage. Educators at the 9/11 Memorial's visitors centre will tell you that people often ask where on the World Trade Centre site "the mosque" is going to be built. Visitors' reactions are first disbelief, and then anger, when they understand where Park51 is actually located and that they have been so deliberately misled.
For the past 18 months, Muslim religious services have been held at Park51 without incident – as they have been held for years in two other locations in Lower Manhattan. Park51 has sponsored films, panels, exhibits, yoga classes for kids, performances and discussions, to provide examples of the sorts of programming it sponsors. These activities are designed to provide a venue where Muslims and non-Muslims can meet, discuss, get to know, learn from and understand each other. Only those who, due to fear, ignorance or opportunistic political self-interest, want to prevent New Yorkers from meeting Muslim-Americans and learning firsthand about them as people and about their religion would want to stop these activities.
As the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attack approaches, we know that the eyes of the world will be on the World Trade Centre and on our city. New Yorkers are determined that the world will see our city this year as we actually are: strong, diverse and multifaceted. With the completion of the national 11 September Memorial in time for the anniversary, we expect that the real way in which New Yorkers commemorate the tragedy will be apparent – in contrast to the sensationalist hysteria of last year.
That's why New York Neighbours for American Values, a diverse coalition of New York organisations and individuals that works in New York City to promote and defend the American values of religious freedom, diversity and equality, has launched an online calendar. The website, NYNeighbors911.org, provides a centralised listing of events so New Yorkers and visitors can easily choose how they will commemorate the anniversary. The extraordinary range of activities that are taking place around the tenth anniversary show that the politics of fear – which have too frequently led to a polarising public debate – are not representative of how most New Yorkers want to move forward from 9/11. Events run the gamut from the NY Fire Department's Symposium, Rebuilding After 9/11, the Run to Remember on Governor's Island, the 9/11 Peace Story Quilt at the Metropolitan Museum, to Subway Music in the Light of 9/11, and various commemorative concerts and exhibits.
These events show that the ways people are responding to the anniversary are much like New York itself: diverse, passionate, representative of myriad cultures and perspectives, and focused on building a better future.
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