Wednesday, 24 August 2011

British couple held in Afghanistan over suspected terror plot due home

A British couple captured by special forces in Afghanistan and suspected of terrorist-related activities are expected to be returned to the UK on Saturday where they could be arrested or placed under surveillance.

The case remains highly sensitive because of the legal complexities involved. UK officials last night declined to comment.

The couple were seized by British special forces last week in the western Afghan city of Herat. They were transferred to what the Ministry of Defence called a "secure facility" in Kandahar where they have been held since.

Nato forces can hold suspects for up to four days before releasing them or handing them over to the Afghan authorities. However, the period can be extended "in exceptional circumstances". UK officials have made clear the man and the woman captured in a hotel in Herat constituted a special case.

The Foreign Office said at the time that suspects could be detained for more than 96 hours "in particular where it could provide information that could help protect our forces or the local population".

The couple were seized in what UK defence officials described as a joint operation with the Afghan intelligence service, the National Directorate of Security (NDS). However, the Afghan authorities insisted the operation was "UK-led".

Officials familiar with the operation called it "terrorism-related". A key question will be the nature of any evidence against the couple obtained by the British security services.

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